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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - mess


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 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English mes, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin missus course at a meal, from missus, past participle of mittere to put, from Latin, to sendmore at smite  Date: 14th century  1. a quantity of food:  a. archaic food set on a table at one time  b. a prepared dish of soft food; also a mixture of ingredients cooked or eaten together  c. enough food of a specified kind for a dish or a meal picked a ~ of peas for dinner  2.  a. a group of persons who regularly take their meals together; also a meal so taken  b. a place where meals are regularly served to a group ; ~ hall  3.  a. a disordered, untidy, offensive, or unpleasant state or condition your room is in a ~  b. one that is disordered, untidy, offensive, or unpleasant usually because of blundering, laxity, or misconduct the movie is a ~, as sloppy in concept as it is in executionJudith Crist made a ~ of his life  4. a large quantity or number a ~ of problems  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to provide with meals at a ~  2.  a. to make dirty or untidy ; disarrangeoften used with up don't ~ up your room  b. to mix up ; bungle — often used with up really ~ed up my life  3. to interfere with — often used with up magnetic storms that ~ up communications — Time  4. to rough up ; manhandle — often used with up ~ him up good so he won't cheat us again  intransitive verb  1. to take meals with a ~  2. to make a ~  3.  a. putter, trifle children like to ~ around with paints  b. to handle or play with something especially carelessly don't ~ with my camera — often used with around  c. to take an active interest in something or someone ~ing around with new video techniques; also interfere, meddle ~ing in other people's affairs you'd better not ~ with me  4. to become confused or make an error — usually used with up got another chance and ~ed up again
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См. в других словарях

  n. & v. --n. 1 a dirty or untidy state of things (the room is a mess). 2 a state of confusion, embarrassment, or trouble. 3 something causing a mess, e.g. spilt liquid etc. 4 a domestic animal's excreta. 5 a a company of persons who take meals together, esp. in the armed forces. b a place where such meals or recreation take place communally. c a meal taken there. 6 derog. a disagreeable concoction or medley. 7 a liquid or mixed food for hounds etc. 8 a portion of liquid or pulpy food. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by up) a make a mess of; dirty. b muddle; make into a state of confusion. 2 intr. (foll. by with) interfere with. 3 intr. take one's meals. 4 intr. colloq. defecate. Phrases and idioms make a mess of bungle (an undertaking). mess about (or around) 1 act desultorily. 2 colloq. make things awkward for; cause arbitrary inconvenience to (a person). mess-hall a military dining area. mess-jacket a short close-fitting coat worn at the mess. mess kit a soldier's cooking and eating utensils. mess of pottage a material comfort etc. for which something higher is sacrificed (Gen. 25:29-34). mess tin a small container as part of a mess kit. Etymology: ME f. OF mes portion of food f. LL missus course at dinner, past part. of mittere send ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  столовая (в учебном заведении) ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  каша ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. беспорядок, кутерьма, путаница in a mess —- в беспорядке, вверх дном everything was in a mess —- все было в беспорядке, все было перепутано the room was in a mess —- комната была в беспорядке to make a mess of things (of a job) —- напутать, напороть; испортить (провалить) все дело you made a fine mess of my watch —- ну и починил же ты (во что ты превратил) мои часы! this illness makes a mess of my holiday —- эта болезнь портит (губит) мои планы на отпуск (отдых) you look a mess! —- у тебя ужасный вид! ну и вид у тебя! 2. грязь your shirt is in a mess —- ваша рубашка в грязи, вы испачкали рубашку to make a mess of the tablecloth —- запачкать скатерть to clear up the mess —- убирать грязь; приводить дела в порядок I've never seen such a mess —- я такой грязи (такого беспорядка) еще никогда не видел what a mess! —- что за беспорядок!, какая грязь 3. неприятность to be in a mess —- быть в беде, иметь неприятности to get (oneself) into a mess —- попасть в неприятное положение (в беду) I got myself into a mess —- я влип he has made a mess of his life —- он загубил свою жизнь to get out of a mess —- выпутаться из неприятного положения (из беды) to clear up the mess —- выяснить недоразумение; расхлебывать кашу what a mess! —- ну и дела!; какая неприятность! 4. производить беспорядок to mess a dress —- помять платье 5. пачкать, грязнить Jonny's messed his pants —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  allowance столовые деньги; MESS around with see mess about with MESS kit amer. котелок и столовый прибор (для солдат, туристов) MESS with  а) вносить беспорядок во что-л.; Somebodys been messing with my papers, theyre all out of order.  б) плохо поступать с кем-л.; I hear youve been messing with married women in spite of my advice. MESS about with иметь предосудительные отношения с кем-л.; I warned you not to mess about with married women, it always leads to trouble. MESS I  1. noun  1) беспорядок; кутерьма; путаница; to make a mess of things - напутать; напортить; провалить все дело; - in a mess  2) неприятность; - get into a mess - be in a mess - clear up the mess  2. v.  1) производить беспорядок (about/around with); Whos been messing about with my papers? Theyre all out of order.  2) пачкать, грязнить (тж. mess up); Try not to mess up your new dress before the party.  3) портить дело (часто mess up); If John messes up his driving test again, I doubt if hell ever pass it.  4) лодырничать, работать с ленцой (часто mess about); What have you been doing today? Oh, nothing, just messing about.  5) mil. есть, питаться (with); In this camp, private soldiers do not mess with officers, but have a separate cookhouse - mess about with - mess around with - mess with II  1. noun  1) группа людей, питающихся за общим столом  2) общий стол, общее питание (в армии и флоте)  3) столовая (в учебном заведении); naut. старшинская кают-компания  4) блюдо, кушанье; похлебка  5) болтушка, месиво (для животных)  6) attr. столовый; - mess allowance - mess kit...
Англо-русский словарь
  (messes, messing, messed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you say that something is a mess or in a mess, you think that it is in an untidy state. The house is a mess... Linda can’t stand mess. N-SING: also no det 2. If you say that a situation is a mess, you mean that it is full of trouble or problems. You can also say that something is in a mess. I’ve made such a mess of my life. ...the many reasons why the economy is in such a mess... N-VAR 3. A mess is something liquid or sticky that has been accidentally dropped on something. I’ll clear up the mess later. N-VAR 4. The mess at a military base or military barracks is the building in which members of the armed forces can eat or relax. ...a party at the officers’ mess... N-COUNT: usu sing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »DIRTY/UNTIDY« a situation in which a place looks very untidy or dirty, with things spread all around  (Clean up this mess! | The house was an awful mess after the party. | make a mess)  (You can make cookies if you promise not to make a mess in the kitchen.) 2 »PROBLEMS/DIFFICULTIES« informal a situation in which there are a lot of problems and difficulties, especially as a result of mistakes or carelessness  (We have to sort this problem out - the whole thing's a mess. | You got us into this mess, Terry. You can get us out of it.) 3 be in a mess to be very untidy or dirty, very disorganized or full of problems  (The previous chairman had left the company in a terrible mess. | My life was in a real mess and I didn't know what to do.) 4 make a mess of informal to do something badly and make a lot of mistakes  (I made a complete mess of that test. | They've made such a mess of the economy.) 5 a mess of AmE informal a lot of  (The dress had a high neck with a mess of buttons coming down the back.) 6 »ARMY/NAVY« a room in which members of the army, navy etc eat and drink together 7 »WASTE MATTER« informal especially BrE solid waste material from a baby or animal  (The dog's made a mess on the carpet!) ~2 v to have meals in a room where members of the army, navy etc eat together mess around also mess about BrE phr v informal 1 to spend time lazily, doing things slowly and in a way that is not planned  (He spent his vacation messing around on the farm.) 2 to behave in a silly way when you should be working or paying attention  (Stop messing around and help me move this furniture.) 3 T mess someone around/about) to cause a lot of problems for someone, especially by changing your mind often or preventing them from getting what they want  (Don't mess me about - I want the money you promised me.) mess around with also mess about with BrE phr v informal 1 to have a sexual relationship with someone that you should not have a sexual relationship with  (She'd been messing around with another man.) 2 to spend time...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Multiple Emulator Super System electron. abbr. Multi Emulator Super System funny abbr. Mike's Electronic Support System gen. bus. abbr. Menhir's Econometric Simulation System ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 13c., from O.Fr. mes "portion of food, course at dinner," from L.L. missus "course at dinner," lit. "placing, putting (on a table, etc.)," from mittere "to put, place," from L. mittere "to send, let go" (see mission). Sense of "mixed food" led to contemptuous use for "jumble, mixed mass" (1828), and figurative sense of "state of confusion" (1834), as well as "condition of untidiness" (1851). Meaning "communal eating place" is 16c., originally a group of four. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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